Ohio & AMA Superbikes!
Woke up the next morning and hit the road. This is the hotel I stayed the night at, with the bike out front all ready to go (not next to the window like it was at night). I think the Harley dude's safety issues were unfounded, that town was small and safe.

From Aberdeen, I headed north on SR41 into Ohio. A beautiful stretch of road.
Two words: "What Barn?"

There were 2 things I wanted to see in Ohio: The Serpent Mounds and a covered bridge. After an hour or two, I took a 5 mile detour to the Serpent Mounds. The hilly area where it lies is the rim of a meteor crater, formed millions of years ago. It's supposedly a very cosmic spot, having all kinds of meaning in astrological circles. I broke the rules and stood in the middle of the serpent's head. No ill affects or special powers granted that I am aware of. I didn't stand in the cosmic vortex a.k.a. the serpent's tail, for fear of getting my karma sucked out of my head :)

I have to admit, I was a little bit fascinated with the simplicity of the men's toilet. Yes, that's a wall to piss on with a drain hole.

As I continued north, it started to rain again. Beautiful countryside tho. I decided to skip the covered bridge tour, since it was raining and I was really looking forward to seeing Tracy again.

As I got into Lexington, I finally started seeing familiar roads again. I rounded the corner to my destination, there was Tracy and her brother Andy waiting for me in the front yard. They took this shot.


Look at those smiles!

Later that night, we went to a bonfire at Grant's house. He lives way out in the country so we were able to have a huge bonfire and drive around on motorcycles and act rowdy...the way it should be. The fire was about 40' high at one point. That's Grant doing a wheelie on the 3 wheeler. :)

Next day was Superbikes! We went with a bunch of Grant's buddies, Andy & Karen and their neighbors Jeremy & Jess. Tracy and I rode over, which gets you some pretty rad parking with the rest of the bikes. Jeremy & Jess rented a golf cart and they picked up Andy and Karen from their car.

Stopped by the Ducati owners tent to rest and grab some schwag and snacks.

One of Grant's buddies playin around on a Honda 50. I need to get one of those.

Monday, Grant, Tracy and I went for a scenic bike ride around Richland county, thru the Amish country and Mohican State Park. Beautiful place, it reminds me of Fall Creek Falls State Park in East TN.

I got to see a covered bridge anyway, and take a cool shot. Ohio is a beautiful state.

Also traded up rides...Grant's 1998 SuperHawk is FAST! It has the big 48mm carbs and you can feel it!

Visited with family the next 2 days and put Tracy on a plane back home to San Diego. I stayed over the night, to leave the next morn. Woke up the next morn to a bunch of rain waited around for a while for it to clear...and had lunch with Andy and Grant before heading out. I made it to Plymouth, Indiana that night, and got rained on a bit on the way as well. Rain seems to like me lately.
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Tomorrow, finish up Indiana, then head past Chicago and on thru Illinois.

From Aberdeen, I headed north on SR41 into Ohio. A beautiful stretch of road.
Two words: "What Barn?"

There were 2 things I wanted to see in Ohio: The Serpent Mounds and a covered bridge. After an hour or two, I took a 5 mile detour to the Serpent Mounds. The hilly area where it lies is the rim of a meteor crater, formed millions of years ago. It's supposedly a very cosmic spot, having all kinds of meaning in astrological circles. I broke the rules and stood in the middle of the serpent's head. No ill affects or special powers granted that I am aware of. I didn't stand in the cosmic vortex a.k.a. the serpent's tail, for fear of getting my karma sucked out of my head :)

I have to admit, I was a little bit fascinated with the simplicity of the men's toilet. Yes, that's a wall to piss on with a drain hole.

As I continued north, it started to rain again. Beautiful countryside tho. I decided to skip the covered bridge tour, since it was raining and I was really looking forward to seeing Tracy again.

As I got into Lexington, I finally started seeing familiar roads again. I rounded the corner to my destination, there was Tracy and her brother Andy waiting for me in the front yard. They took this shot.


Look at those smiles!

Later that night, we went to a bonfire at Grant's house. He lives way out in the country so we were able to have a huge bonfire and drive around on motorcycles and act rowdy...the way it should be. The fire was about 40' high at one point. That's Grant doing a wheelie on the 3 wheeler. :)

Next day was Superbikes! We went with a bunch of Grant's buddies, Andy & Karen and their neighbors Jeremy & Jess. Tracy and I rode over, which gets you some pretty rad parking with the rest of the bikes. Jeremy & Jess rented a golf cart and they picked up Andy and Karen from their car.

Stopped by the Ducati owners tent to rest and grab some schwag and snacks.

One of Grant's buddies playin around on a Honda 50. I need to get one of those.

Monday, Grant, Tracy and I went for a scenic bike ride around Richland county, thru the Amish country and Mohican State Park. Beautiful place, it reminds me of Fall Creek Falls State Park in East TN.

I got to see a covered bridge anyway, and take a cool shot. Ohio is a beautiful state.

Also traded up rides...Grant's 1998 SuperHawk is FAST! It has the big 48mm carbs and you can feel it!

Visited with family the next 2 days and put Tracy on a plane back home to San Diego. I stayed over the night, to leave the next morn. Woke up the next morn to a bunch of rain waited around for a while for it to clear...and had lunch with Andy and Grant before heading out. I made it to Plymouth, Indiana that night, and got rained on a bit on the way as well. Rain seems to like me lately.
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Tomorrow, finish up Indiana, then head past Chicago and on thru Illinois.
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