Visiting East TN
After Jason and I split up in the smokies, I traveled on to Knoxville, to visit my little bro. Parked the bike in the garage and took a day or two off the seat. Had some local food & beer, drove thru a lot of rain and visited with friends.

L->R: Joseph, Me, Matt and his wife Hannah, her sister and her bf. I'm wearing one of Joseph's shirts, because I packed nothing resembling a button up.

My buddy Tall Paul playing at the Smoky Mountain Brewery. I dropped in on him just before one of his shows, he was quite surprised. He even worked me into one of the songs he sang, pretty damn cool.

After staying in K-Town a few days, I headed down to see my Dad in Crossville. I tried to stay off the I-40, so I headed down Kingston Pike, which is TN 70. It's a really nice, twisty road that takes the same basic path of I-40 and was the original route used to get across TN before the interstate system.
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This is a typical shot of the roads in the area.

I packed up the bike and headed out.

The drive was great, lonely roads with lots of trees, curves and beautiful countryside. On the way west, I passed Roosevelt Mountain in Rockwood, and decided to go up. The view was stunning.

The Rockwood Firetower was located up there, build in 1932. Pretty neat, I wanted to climb it since a hole had been cut in the fence, but it seemed kinda dangerous with all the rotting wood.

Made it to Dad's house late that night. The next day, my friend Matt took me on a tour of Oak Ridge National Laboratories supercomputing facilities. Some pretty amazing stuff. In this pic, Matt is showing all the politicians that had put their signatures on that particular Cray.

This is the #2 fastest supercomputer in the world, Jaguar. It's a Cray, hella loud, and yes you may notice the liquid cooling. It's 8 rows deep like what you see here.

Here, I am standing next to the #6 supercomputer in the world, Kraken. (Also a Cray)

You can see the rest of the album here.
Dad and I checked out some more of the history in Crossville, including the Palace Theater and the really neat looking county Courthouse, build in 1921. We also checked out the first/oldest steam engine to arrive in the county.

Cumberland County is a really beautiful area. They filmed the Jungle Book near here, in Fall Creek Falls State park. This shot was taken behind an old barn on my dad's property.

Tomorrow is my b-day, I leave for Nashville area and meet up with Tracy, who is flying out from San Diego to see me.

L->R: Joseph, Me, Matt and his wife Hannah, her sister and her bf. I'm wearing one of Joseph's shirts, because I packed nothing resembling a button up.

My buddy Tall Paul playing at the Smoky Mountain Brewery. I dropped in on him just before one of his shows, he was quite surprised. He even worked me into one of the songs he sang, pretty damn cool.

After staying in K-Town a few days, I headed down to see my Dad in Crossville. I tried to stay off the I-40, so I headed down Kingston Pike, which is TN 70. It's a really nice, twisty road that takes the same basic path of I-40 and was the original route used to get across TN before the interstate system.
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This is a typical shot of the roads in the area.

I packed up the bike and headed out.

The drive was great, lonely roads with lots of trees, curves and beautiful countryside. On the way west, I passed Roosevelt Mountain in Rockwood, and decided to go up. The view was stunning.

The Rockwood Firetower was located up there, build in 1932. Pretty neat, I wanted to climb it since a hole had been cut in the fence, but it seemed kinda dangerous with all the rotting wood.

Made it to Dad's house late that night. The next day, my friend Matt took me on a tour of Oak Ridge National Laboratories supercomputing facilities. Some pretty amazing stuff. In this pic, Matt is showing all the politicians that had put their signatures on that particular Cray.

This is the #2 fastest supercomputer in the world, Jaguar. It's a Cray, hella loud, and yes you may notice the liquid cooling. It's 8 rows deep like what you see here.

Here, I am standing next to the #6 supercomputer in the world, Kraken. (Also a Cray)

You can see the rest of the album here.
Dad and I checked out some more of the history in Crossville, including the Palace Theater and the really neat looking county Courthouse, build in 1921. We also checked out the first/oldest steam engine to arrive in the county.

Cumberland County is a really beautiful area. They filmed the Jungle Book near here, in Fall Creek Falls State park. This shot was taken behind an old barn on my dad's property.

Tomorrow is my b-day, I leave for Nashville area and meet up with Tracy, who is flying out from San Diego to see me.
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