Launch Scrubbed

One word: Doh!
NASA has cancelled today's launch of the space shuttle Endeavour because of a leak in the gaseous hydrogen vent system that developed late in fueling. Officials say the launch will be delayed until at least Wednesday and perhaps longer.And since it moves up 25 minutes per day of delay, it's 100 minutes earlier and getting into a night launch. If it were to go up in 4 days, it would conflict with the LRO launch schedule. Which requires some negotation with the military. If they do NOT change the LRO schedule, then the earliest it could launch is June 20th at 3AM-ish. More here.
Not sure what the plan is tomorrow, but for now, back to sleep.
Hit Ron Jon something like 20 years ago. was cool then (judging by your hat, still cool now :) )
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