Day 14: Bumming around Cocoa Beach
Today we had planned on visiting the KSC again and doing the bus tour, since tickets are good for 2 days. Instead we decided to go to the beachfront, get some lunch and do a little shopping. We'd seen signs for Ron Jon Surf Shop all thru Florida, so we decided to pay it a visit. It's huge!

I bought a new hat! I always wanted a cool fedora, now I look like I'm on vacation!

We also checked out Cocoa beach. It was packed! My pics didn't do it justice but I think this is the most populated beach I've ever seen. It was a great day for it so I can see why everybody turned out.

Jason's Aunt has a lot of lizards living around her place. Which is good because they eat the mosquitoes!

We watched the 5:30PM NASA press conference to figure out more info about the launch. They were vague like Jason's Aunt predicted, but offered plan A and plan B. A: Shuttle launch on 17th, LRO on 19,20. B: LRO on 17th, Shuttle on 20th. I am hoping for plan A so I can get on with my trip...I'm still not sure about a journey to they Keys yet (2 days drive from here), but I am hoping it can work out.
Right now as I type this, it's POURING the rain outside. I miss the warm summer rains, we don't get them like this very often out in Southern California. Reminds me of summer nights as a kid in Tennessee. Wunderground reports 40% chance of thunderstorms thru Wednesday (launch day). I hope the weather cooperates.

I bought a new hat! I always wanted a cool fedora, now I look like I'm on vacation!

We also checked out Cocoa beach. It was packed! My pics didn't do it justice but I think this is the most populated beach I've ever seen. It was a great day for it so I can see why everybody turned out.

Jason's Aunt has a lot of lizards living around her place. Which is good because they eat the mosquitoes!

We watched the 5:30PM NASA press conference to figure out more info about the launch. They were vague like Jason's Aunt predicted, but offered plan A and plan B. A: Shuttle launch on 17th, LRO on 19,20. B: LRO on 17th, Shuttle on 20th. I am hoping for plan A so I can get on with my trip...I'm still not sure about a journey to they Keys yet (2 days drive from here), but I am hoping it can work out.
Right now as I type this, it's POURING the rain outside. I miss the warm summer rains, we don't get them like this very often out in Southern California. Reminds me of summer nights as a kid in Tennessee. Wunderground reports 40% chance of thunderstorms thru Wednesday (launch day). I hope the weather cooperates.
Yo, do you know that Florida and Surf Shop is an oxymoron? But some how Ron Jon has pulled it off, it must be a tourist thing. :) BTW, great reporting, I hope it works out, night launches are awesome! Also, if you meet anyone from the HazGas team, say hi for me.
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